Tuesday, December 30, 2014

December 30th

It is amazing, I am writing a blog again today.  I must have something to say or maybe I just want to tell you about the day I had today.  Notice I said I, because I went out with the guys today on a great ride.
We headed out to Montana Mountain, I was afraid it was going to be one of those trail rides that were boring, but no this one was a good ride. It had some great sights to see.
 Here are a few of the wonderful sights we seen today.  The rock formations are really great.
 I liked this one because of the nice tail saguaro cactus standing out so well.
 These following peaks are just amazing, we could not see them from the road.  We are back into the wilderness about 15 miles.

There was only 3 rigs out today exploring and we had a great time.  Tomorrow at this time there could be up to 6 plus inches of snow here, according to the weather report.  We are at just over 4500 feet here where we are eating lunch.  I don't think we will be up here tomorrow.
This is from the outlook from where we had eaten lunch.  I am really starting to appreciate this area for riding.  Everyday that I have been out we have seen something different.  I am looking forward to every time we head out to a new place to ride.  These people here in the park that I am going out riding with really know these place.  Even though we are trailering our cars up to 50 miles to ride it is well worth it.
This saguaro cactus has a lot of limbs on it.  We went by one back a ways that was even bigger then this one.  But sometimes pictures don't turn out very good, so your stuck with this one.  As I said, today was one of the best rides we have been on, even though the trails were pretty rough, rocky and we were in low gear a lot it was still great and fun.  Looking forward to the next one after the first of the year.
Now what was Cyndy up to today, she has been busy going through a lot of paper work and trying to get it organized a little.  As some of you know she loves to guilt and that takes a lot of magazines to look at to find just that one guilt that she wants to make.  So that is what she has been doing going through them and cutting out a lot of patterns.   Now she has them all sorted out and sized down to just one small container instead of a lot.  She has also been cleaning out cabinets, also to help lighten the coach.  Now some of you would say that I should be there helping her.  I am helping her by staying out of her hair and giving her lots of room for her tasks.  I do help by taking the things she does not want anymore to the dumpster.  So see I am helping.
Tomorrow is New Years Eve, yep Cyndy and I have a big night planned, just what I don't know yet, but I am sure it will be good. 
Happy New Years Eve!!!!!

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