Tuesday, November 3, 2015

November 3rd

Today we left the Salton Sea Area and said good-by to our friends Steve & Laverne.  They have been so nice to put us up every time we show up, it is nice to have 50 AMP along with water and sewer.  They are flying back to Pismo Beach today, they have their own airplane and fly back and forth from their three locations. Then off to Florida for a Rally of KOA Camp Ground owners.  I hope they have a great time.
Today was a beautiful drive day, with a little wind, or should I say almost to much but not bad.  The sun was out most of the way as you will see.
 The temp was only about 70 degrees, which made the drive really pretty good.
 They have all the Dates covered and have stated cutting them down, don't know what happens but I think they are drying them on the vine a little.
This is highway 86 heading to Indio & Plam Springs area, there are also a lot of Grape Vineyards, and Orange trees. 
 You can see the clouds coming over the mountains from the Pacific Coast.
 These mountains are almost 8000 feet high, so when these clouds get over them they are flying east real fast.  No rain out here today.
 This is going west on 10 just out side of Plam Desert, there are a lot of towns around here call Plam this and that.
 This isn't looking good heading up over the pass heading towards Riverside on 10, hope we don't hit any rain.
Spoke to soon, it is trying to rain, never had to turn on the wipers, and that was it for rain today.  When we made it to the Thousand Trails Park Soldad Canyon, the weather was sunny and in the high 60's low 70's.  I may have to dig out the jeans for tomorrow.  I hope I can make it a little farther north, but with this cool weather I would say I may have to find some warm weather cloths.  Maybe Cyndy can help me find them.  Tomorrow we are heading to Lake Mindon which is some where just north of San Francisco.  We are hoping to be in Seaside by Friday, but will take one mile at a time.

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